# Git ![GitHub Logo](/image.jpg) ## Usefull links [Git Cheat Sheet](https://education.github.com/git-cheat-sheet-education.pdf) ## Basic commands ### initialize an existing directory as a Git repository ```bash $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in C:/Users/Admin/Documents/Git/.git/ ``` ### show modified files in working directory, staged for your next commit ```bash $ git status On branch master No commits yet Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in what will be committed) Readme.md image.jpg nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track) ``` Checker le satus > git status Ajouter un element dans la branche > git add Readme.md Commit les changement > git commit -m "First commit" Show all commit >git checkout Merge >git merge ## Setup ### Configuring user information used across all local repositories >git config --global user.name “[firstname lastname]” set a name that is identifiable for credit when review version history >git config --global user.email “[valid-email]” set an email address that will be associated with each history marker >git config --global color.ui auto set automatic command line coloring for Git for easy reviewing