#!/usr/bin/python3 import pathlib import argparse import os import random from rich.console import Console from rich.markdown import Markdown from ccpq.lib_ccpq import Question, Database, Game MSG = { True: [ "Yes!", "Good one!", "Super!", "Excellent job!" ], False: [ "Sorry, that's wrong", "No, that's not right", "Damn it! That's not the right answer", ] } class Tui(object): def __init__(self): self._console = Console() self._stats = [] def ask_question(self, question): os.system("clear") md = Markdown("# {}".format(question.get_question())) self._console.print(md) md = "" for possibility in question.get_possibilities(): md += "1. {}\n".format(possibility) md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) def prompt_for_answer(self): #md = Markdown("What's your answer?") #self._console.print(md) answer = self._parse_input() return answer def _parse_input(self): """ TODO make it adapt to questions with multiple choices and fill the blank """ answers = [] results = input("\n What's your answer? (only numbers, separated by a SPACE) ") results = results.split() for result in results: if result.isdigit(): answers.append(result) else: md = Markdown("**only digits please**") self._console.print(md) return answers def show_response(self, question): answers = question.get_right_answers() if len(answers) == 1: answer = answers[0] md = Markdown("### The right answer is: {}".format(answer)) else: md = "### The right answers are:\n" for answer in answers: md += "* {}\n".format(answer) md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) def show_explanation(self, question): md = "--- \n {} \n \n ---".format(question.get_explication()) md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) def show_success(self, success): md = "# {}".format(random.choice(MSG[success])) md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) def show_stats(self, stats): md = "### you have {} out of {} right!".format(stats[0], stats[2]) md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) md = "### press **enter** to get a new question or **CTRL-C** to quit" md = Markdown(md) self._console.print(md) input() def goodbye(self): md = Markdown("# Goodbye!") self._console.print(md) class Application(object): def __init__(self, filepath, interface, number): self._db = Database(filepath) self._number = number self._session = Game() self._interface = interface def start(self): pass def run(self): while self._number > 0: question = self._db.get_question() self._interface.ask_question(question) answer = self._interface.prompt_for_answer() stat = question.verify(answer) self._session.update_stats(stat) self._interface.show_success(stat) self._interface.show_response(question) self._interface.show_explanation(question) # will work once issue 5 is addressed self._interface.show_stats(self._session.get_stats()) self._number -= 1 self.quit() def quit(self): self._interface.goodbye() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-f", "--file", required=True, help="file to use as database", action="store") parser.add_argument("-n", "--number", default=10, help="number of questions to ask", type=int, action="store") args = parser.parse_args() filepath = pathlib.Path(args.file) if not filepath.exists(): print("no such file!") exit(1) interface = Tui() app = Application(filepath, interface, args.number) try: app.run() except KeyboardInterrupt: app.quit()