## MR05/XX Introduction to hardware components of servers and clients * **Note:** In this module we will focus on hardware and the exposure to Raspberry Pi's as an alternative target platform * **Id:** resources.hardware * **Effort:** 6.0 ### Overview of computer architectures * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.architectures * **Effort:** 0.3 ### Breakdown of IT internals and externals * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.breakdown * **Effort:** 0.5 ### Introduction to compiled languages and compilation targets * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.compilation * **Effort:** 0.3 ### Group deployment of RPI clients and headless servers * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.deployment * **Effort:** 1.0 ### Comparison of platforms vs protocols * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.protocols * **Effort:** 0.3 ### ARM vs x86 * **Id:** resources.hardware.theory.rpi * **Effort:** 0.3 ## MR04/R71 Introduction to linux * **Note:** Introduction to the history and usage of Linux as an OS with both graphical and shell interfaces. * **Id:** resources.linux * **Effort:** 5.0 ### Very brief introdution to bandit and SSH * **Note:** bandit * **Id:** resources.linux.theory.bandit * **Effort:** 0.5 ### Introduction to the shell * **Note:** Based on Ryan's tutorials * **Id:** resources.linux.theory.cli * **Effort:** 1.0 ### Quick dive into a GUI installation * **Id:** resources.linux.theory.gui * **Effort:** 0.5 ### History of unix/linux and Debian * **Id:** resources.linux.theory.intro * **Effort:** 0.5 ### Introduction to vim * **Note:** complete vimtutor and create a custom vimrc * **Id:** resources.linux.theory.vimtutor * **Effort:** 0.5 ### MR03/R61 Introduction to centralized administration of networking services * **Id:** resources.networking.services * **Effort:** 6.8 ### Debian implementations of essential services * **Note:** Focus on DHCP, DNS, SFTP, SSH, CUPS, LDAP following chapter 10 and chapter 11 of the Debian system administrator handbook * **Id:** resources.networking.services.theory.debian * **Effort:** 2.5