diff --git a/assets/adjectives.txt b/assets/adjectives.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f7688
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/adjectives.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1896 @@
+ad hoc
+rustic rusty
diff --git a/assets/login_generator.py b/assets/login_generator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b7974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/login_generator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import random
+import string
+def load_file(filename):
+ """
+ We load a file and make a list out of it. Note that the same function is
+ used for both files (both adjectives and subjects). Functions should be
+ made as generic as possible.
+ There IS a problem you can fix, some logins will have spaces in them. Try
+ to remove them in this function!
+ """
+ words = []
+ with open(filename, "r") as fp:
+ lines = fp.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ words.append(line.strip()) # what does strip() do, what does append() do? remember CTRL+Q!
+ return words
+def generate_username():
+ """
+ We'll generate a random pair of adjectives and subjects from two wordlists.
+ You NEED to have both files in you python project for this to work! Note
+ the capitalize method call to make it all prettier...
+ """
+ adjectives = load_file("./adjectives.txt")
+ subjects = load_file("./subjects.txt")
+ adjective = random.choice(adjectives)
+ subject = random.choice(subjects)
+ username = adjective.capitalize() + subject.capitalize()
+ return username
+def generate_password(length=10, complictated=True):
+ """
+ We generate a password with default settings. You can overide these by
+ changing the arguments in the function call.
+ """
+ password = ""
+ if complictated:
+ chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
+ else:
+ chars = string.ascii_letters
+ for i in range(0, length):
+ password += random.choice(chars)
+ return password
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # let's do some testing!
+ username_test = generate_username()
+ print(username_test)
+ password_test = generate_password()
+ print(password_test)
diff --git a/assets/pwd_cli.py b/assets/pwd_cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5f3830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/pwd_cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+import login_generator
+def prompt():
+ """
+ We prompt but you KNOW how this works!
+ """
+ response = ""
+ while not response.isdigit():
+ response = input("how many login pairs would you like to create?")
+ return int(response)
+def how_long():
+ """
+ And again... (we could combine both prompts, but how?)
+ """
+ response = ""
+ while not response.isdigit():
+ response = input("how long should the password be?")
+ return int(response)
+def complex_or_not():
+ response = ""
+ while response.lower() not in ["y", "n"]:
+ response = input("you want complex passwords? (y/n)")
+ if response.lower() == "y":
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+def create_login(length, complicated):
+ """
+ We use our library to generate the username and password. The double return
+ might look confusing but just look at the for loop in the generate_logins
+ functions and you'll see how it unpacks...
+ """
+ username = login_generator.generate_username()
+ password = login_generator.generate_password(length, complicated)
+ return username, password
+def generate_logins(number, length, complicated):
+ """
+ Easy no? But what does the i do? Do we really need it's value?
+ """
+ for i in range(0, number):
+ username, password = create_login(length, complicated)
+ print("username {}: {}".format(i, username))
+ print("password {}: {}".format(i, password))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Here we go!
+ number_of_logins = prompt()
+ complicted = complex_or_not()
+ length = how_long()
+ generate_logins(number_of_logins, length, complicted)
diff --git a/assets/subjects.txt b/assets/subjects.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52736ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/assets/subjects.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+African elephant
+Alley cat
+Asian elephant
+Billy goat
+Grizzly bear
+Guinea pig
+Komodo dragon
+Sea lion
+X-ray fish
diff --git a/learning_python3.md b/learning_python3.md
index e14a8da..7109132 100644
--- a/learning_python3.md
+++ b/learning_python3.md
@@ -1072,67 +1072,815 @@ There are a couple of things you should definitely read up on.
# While loop
-TODO guess the number exercise
+We started our python journey with fully linear code.
+Next we saw functions which are first **defined** and called afterwards.
+Now we'll have a look at **loops**.
+In python there are **two** types of loops, a **while** and a **for** loop.
+We'll start with the while loop which I see as a loop in *time*.
+The for loop is a loop in *space* but we'll get to that one later.
+The concept of a while loop is pretty simple.
+Code **within** the loop will be executed as long as a **condition** is met.
+Consider the code below.
+import time
+counter = 0
+print("before the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+while counter <= 10:
+ print("inside the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+ counter += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+print("after the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+Two *extra* things might look new to you here.
+First the `import time` and `time.sleep(1)`, can you tell me what it does?
+Next the `counter += 1` which is called [incrementing](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1485841/behaviour-of-increment-and-decrement-operators-in-python).
+You'll find this feature in most languages.
+You can think of it's syntax as *counter equals itself plus 1*.
+The *1* can be any number you want though!
+When learning the `while` [keyword](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#the-while-statement) there is a *second* keyword you should learn.
+It comes in very handy when constructing [infinite loops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infinite_loop).
+Consider the following code.
+import time
+counter = 0
+print("before the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+while True:
+ print("inside the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+ counter += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+print("after the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+The `while True` condition is *always* `True` so the loop will **never** exit!
+This is what we call an infinite loop.
+The `break` keyword was added to the language so we can *break out* of a loop.
+The logic is as follows.
+import time
+counter = 0
+print("before the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+while True:
+ print("inside the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+ counter += 1
+ if counter >= 10:
+ print("I'll break now!")
+ break
+ time.sleep(1)
+print("after the loop, counter: {}".format(counter))
+Infinite loops are a cornerstone of modern programming.
+While they might look scary, don't overthink it, you'll get used to them very quickly.
+⛑ **When testing out an infinite loop it's sometimes handy to insert a `time.sleep` in it to slow down the execution a bit so you can wrap your head around what's happening.**
+🏃 Try it
+Go back to the Celsius to Farenheit converter and add a while loop to ensure the user put's in only numbers.
+# Coding challenge - Guess the number
+Now that you know how to repeat code execution we can create our first game!
+Everybody knows the *guess the number* game.
+The computer chooses a *random* number and the user has to *guess* which number it is.
+At each try the computer will till you if the user's number is bigger or smaller *than* the one the computer has in mind.
+The flow of the game could be as follows.
+I have a number in mind...
+What's your guess? 50
+my number is bigger
+What's your guess? 80
+my number is smaller
+What's your guess? blabla
+that's not a number! try again...
+What's your guess? 76
+yes, that's right! you win!
+bye bye...
+ Spoiler warning
+import random
+def ask_for_number():
+ result = input("What's your guess? ")
+ if result.isdigit():
+ number = int(result)
+ return number
+ else:
+ return None
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ number_to_guess = random.randint(0, 100)
+ print("I have a number in mind...")
+ while True:
+ user_number = ask_for_number()
+ if user_number is None:
+ print("that's not a number! try again...")
+ continue
+ elif number_to_guess == user_number:
+ print("yes, that's right! you win!")
+ break
+ elif number_to_guess > user_number:
+ print("my number is bigger")
+ elif number_to_guess < user_number:
+ print("my number is smaller")
+ print("bye bye...")
+🏃 Try it
+My *solution* is very basic.
+Think of some ways to improve on it.
+Can you limit the number of tries?
+Can you add a feature to let the user play a *second* game after he/she wins or loses?
+Coming up with challenges is on of the most *challenging* aspect op learning how to program.
+Your thought process will send you of into unknown territory and will force you to expand you knowledge.
+We'll get back to this thought process later, but if you feel like an extra challenge go for it!
# Lists
+The different built-in objects we've seen until now, such as `str` and `int` are simple [text](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#text-sequence-type-str) and [numeric](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#numeric-types-int-float-complex) types.
+There are other classes of objects that server different purposes.
+One of these *groups* is called [sequence types](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#sequence-types-list-tuple-range).
+A list in python is pretty much exactly what you think it is.
+It is an *object* that groups together *other* objects.
+Sounds complicated?
+Have a look at the following.
+my_numbers = [1, 2, 44, 60, 70]
+Easy right?
+Compared to [other languages](https://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/list/) lists in python are *very* flexible.
+They can contain objects of different types, and their length can be changed at any time.
+Programmers coming from other languages often find this flexibility of python a bug but you should see it as a feature.
+favorite_number = 7
+name = "wouter"
+date = [1986, 10, 7]
+values = [1, date, favorite_number, "hello world", name]
+The code above is just an illustration of the flexibility of lists.
## Creating lists
-## Picking elements
+Creating lists can be done in two ways, either by using the **square brackets** `[]` or by calling `list`.
+When calling `list` it takes **one argument**, which python will iterate over.
+For example:
-## Slicing lists
+>>> first_list = ["hello", "world", "!"]
+>>> first_list
+['hello', 'world', '!']
+>>> second_list = list("hello world !")
+>>> second_list
+['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'w', 'o', 'r', 'l', 'd', ' ', '!']
+## List methods
+As a `list` is a different type of object, it has different methods you can invoke on it.
+When using tab complete in the python shell we get the following.
+>>> second_list.
+second_list.append( second_list.count( second_list.insert( second_list.reverse(
+second_list.clear( second_list.extend( second_list.pop( second_list.sort(
+second_list.copy( second_list.index( second_list.remove(
+>>> second_list.
+One of the most used methods is `append`.
+It is used to add an element to the end of the list.
+The second most used method is the `pop` one.
+Read the shell code below and you'll understand immediately what they do.
+>>> first_list
+['hello', 'world', '!']
+>>> first_list.append("coucou")
+>>> first_list
+['hello', 'world', '!', 'coucou']
+>>> first_list.pop()
+>>> first_list
+['hello', 'world', '!']
+🏃 Try it
+Look at all the methods you can invoke on a list and try them out.
+Remember to read the documentation!
+## Picking elements and slicing lists
+We can pick elements from the list of slice the list as we please.
+A code block speaks more than words.
+>>> long_list
+['I', 'am', 'a', 'very', 'long', 'list', 'of', 'words', 'that', 'make', 'little', 'actual', 'sense']
+>>> long_list[7]
+>>> long_list[7:9]
+['words', 'that']
+>>> long_list[7:]
+['words', 'that', 'make', 'little', 'actual', 'sense']
+>>> long_list[:7]
+['I', 'am', 'a', 'very', 'long', 'list', 'of']
+>>> long_list[-1]
+>>> long_list[0]
+⛑ **In programming we start counting at 0 because 0 and nothing are not the same thing.**
+🏃 Try it
+Slice and dice away!
+A handy method of the `str` class is `split` which will cut up a string into separate elements.
+The result will be a `list` on which you can use `list` methods.
# For loop
-TODO say hello to my friends exercise
-TODO simple ROT13 cryptography with multiple libs
+I mentioned the for loop, which is a loop in space, when we saw the `while` loop.
+The [keyword](https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#the-for-statement) in question is, surprise surprise, `for`!
+I see it as a loop in space because it will run *for each element in a sequence* which in my mind is something of substance.
+Your logical mileage may vary but as long as you understand the following code block we're good.
+import time
+friends = ["max", "mike", "alice", "steve", "rosa", "hans"]
+print("The door opens and in walk my {} friends!".format(len(friends)))
+for friend in friends:
+ print("Hello {}!".format(friend.capitalize()))
+ time.sleep(1)
+print("{} closes the door behind him...".format(friend.capitalize()))
# Coding challenge - Cheerleader chant
-TODO nested for loop exercise
+Can you make me a program that outputs this type of cheerleader chant?
+You can make it *prettier* by importing your `pretty_print` function, plus you can add some `time.sleep` in it to make it more *musical*.
+Give me an m
+Give me an a
+Give me an x
+Gooooooooo, MAX!
+Give me an m
+Give me an i
+Give me an k
+Give me an e
+Gooooooooo, MIKE!
+Give me an c
+Give me an a
+Give me an m
+Give me an i
+Give me an l
+Give me an l
+Give me an e
+Gooooooooo, CAMILLE!
+ Spoiler warning
+friends = ["max", "mike", "camille"]
+for friend in friends:
+ for letter in friend:
+ print("Give me an {}".format(letter))
+ print("{}".format(letter.upper()))
+ print("Gooooooooo, {}!".format(friend.upper()))
+# Coding challenge - ROT13
+ROT13 is one of the oldest cryptographic cyphers know to mankind.
+It dates back to the Roman empire and is also known as a [Caesar cypher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_cipher).
+The algorithm is pretty simple, you just shift a letter 13 places in the alphabet so `a` becomes `n` or `x` becomes `k`.
+Have a look at [this](https://rot13.com/) website to see the cypher in action.
+Now, can you make a program that encrypts a phrase with ROT13?
+Something along these lines:
+What's your secret? hello world!
+encoded secret: uryyb jbeyq!
+ Spoiler warning
+import string
+def encode_rot(msg, rot=13):
+ msg = msg.lower()
+ letters = list(string.ascii_lowercase)
+ coded_msg = []
+ for letter in msg:
+ if letter not in letters:
+ coded_msg.append(letter)
+ else:
+ idx = letters.index(letter) + rot
+ coded_letter = letters[idx % len(letters)]
+ coded_msg.append(coded_letter)
+ coded_msg = "".join(coded_msg)
+ return coded_msg
+def decode_rot(msg, rot=13):
+ pass
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ clear_message = input("What's your secret? ")
+ encoded_message = encode_rot(clear_message)
+ print("encoded secret: {}".format(encoded_message))
+🏃 Try it
+To make things more interesting you can add a decode function.
+Plus you could add a prompt that asks how big the shift should be (ROT13, ROT16, ...).
+# List comprehension
+This is a bit of an advanced topic but I'm putting it here to show you a very unique and powerful feature of python.
+It's an *in-line* combination of `list`, `for` and conditional logic which allows us to make lists of lists which obey certain conditions.
+You can [learn](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Frealpython.com%2Flist-comprehension-python%2F) about it online.
+mixed_list = ["one", "2", "three", "4", "5", "six6", "se7en", "8"]
+digits = [d for d in mixed_list if d.isdigit()]
+The code above can be recreated **without** list comprehension as well, it will just be *a lot* longer.
+mixed_list = ["one", "2", "three", "4", "5", "six6", "se7en", "8"]
+digits = []
+for d in mixed_list:
+ if d.isdigit():
+ digits.append(d)
+As the `d` in the list comprehension is **always** a digit, we can convert it to an integer on the spot!
+mixed_list = ["one", "2", "three", "4", "5", "six6", "se7en", "8"]
+digits = [int(d) for d in mixed_list if d.isdigit()]
# Handling files
+When we `import` a library python will read and execute the file in question.
+We can also just *read* a simple text file and *use* the data that's in the file.
+There are two ways of reading a file, one more *pythonic* and one more linear.
+I'll outline both and you can use whichever seems more logical to you.
## Reading from a file
+### In-line way
+The builtin function `open` is what's new here.
+It takes two arguments, one is the [path](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Path_(computing)) and the other is a *mode*.
+The most used modes are **read** or **write**, and this as either **text** or **binary**.
+Have a look at the documentation to discover more modes.
+fp = open("./examples/data.txt", "r")
+data = fp.readlines()
+print("file contains: {}".format(data))
+### Pythonic way
+The *exact* same thing can be done in a more pythonic way as follows.
+The beauty of the `with` syntax is that the `close` function call is implied by the indentation.
+I personally prefer this way of reading and writing files but you do you!
+file_to_open = "./examples/data.txt"
+with open(file_to_open, "r") as fp:
+ data = fp.readlines()
+ print("file contains: {}".format(data))
+print("{} has {} lines".format(file_to_open, len(data)))
## Writing to a file
-## csv, JSON and yaml
+Writing to a file can also be done in two ways, a pythonic and *less* pythonic way.
+As I prefer the pythonic way I'll only showcase that one but you'll be able to easily adapt the code yourself.
+The only difference is the **mode** we use to `open` the file.
-## pickle
+first_name = input("what's your first name? ")
+last_name = input("what's your last name? ")
+birthday = input("what's your date of birth? ")
+data = [first_name, last_name, birthday]
+file_to_open = "./examples/test.tmp"
+with open(file_to_open, "w") as fp:
+ for element in data:
+ fp.write("{}\n".format(element))
+There is also a way to write a batch of lines to a file in one go.
+This is done as follows.
+But, you'll notice there is no **newline** added after each element.
+data = ["wouter", "gordts", "1986"]
+file_to_open = "./examples/test.tmp"
+with open(file_to_open, "w") as fp:
+ fp.writelines(data)
# Coding challenge - Login generator
-TODO write a login generator as a library with a cli as program
-BONUS argparse, save to file, read from file
+Can you write me a program that creates random, but easy to remember, usernames?
+Plus, for each username also a *not-so-easy-to-remember* password?
+Maybe with a bit of flexibility?
+For example variable password length?
+This is an exercise you can take pretty far if you plan it out properly.
+I would advise you to write the **generator** functions as a library.
+Then import those functions into the program where you implement the user facing logic.
+By doing so you can reuse your code for multiple interfaces (CLI, TUI, [argparse](https://docs.python.org/3/howto/argparse.html)).
+If you want to you can also **save** your logins to a file!
+An example of the output I expect:
+how many login pairs would you like to create?3
+you want complex passwords? (y/n)y
+how long should the password be?32
+username 0: EarnestCrocodile
+password 0: :sdGV&[FDYZZ|RXUpZeo`J&t@*Z>^fEW
+username 1: AbstractedDragon
+password 1: 32hz5&C@
+ Spoiler warning
+This spoiler warning is in multiple steps.
+If you're unsure how to generate the *random-yet-easy-to-remember* have a look at [this file](./assets/subjects.txt) and [this file](./assets/adjectives.txt).
+**Stop here and try it out!**
+If you're unsure how to tackle the *library part* of this exercise, have a look at [this file](./assets/login_generator.py).
+Don't just copy this code, read it and recreate it yourself!
+**Stop here and try it out!**
+Once the library is done you can code the *interface*.
+For some inspiration for a simple question/response system you can have a look [here](./assets/pwd_cli.py).
# Dictionaries as data containers
-TODO adapt the login generator to output a dict
+Of the *built-in* types we first say `str`, `int` and `float`.
+Next we saw *sequence* types such as `list` and `tupple`.
+Now we'll dive into a **mapping type** called `dict`.
+I advise you to have a look at the [reference pages](https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#mapping-types-dict) when in doubt.
-# Creating our own classes
+A dictionary is *kind* of like a list but it has **two** objects per **element**.
+We call them **key** and **value**.
+There are a couple of rules you need to be aware of though.
-## Class examples
+1. In a `dict` the keys have to be **unique**.
+2. A dictionary is **unordered** meaning the *first* element is not garanteed to remain the first over the lifespan of the dictionary.
+3. The keys used must be **hashable**.
+Let's visualize a legal dictionary!
+It's declared with **curly brackets** as follows `{}`.
+my_data = {"key": "value", "name": "wouter", "age": 35}
+same_data_different_layout = {
+ "key": "value",
+ "name": "wouter",
+ "age": 35,
+ }
+Let's have a look at the **methods** we can invoke on a `dict`.
+>>> my_data = {"key": "value", "name": "wouter", "age": 35,}
+>>> my_data.
+my_data.clear( my_data.get( my_data.pop( my_data.update(
+my_data.copy( my_data.items( my_data.popitem( my_data.values(
+my_data.fromkeys( my_data.keys( my_data.setdefault(
+>>> my_data.keys()
+dict_keys(['key', 'name', 'age'])
+>>> my_data.values()
+dict_values(['value', 'wouter', 35])
+>>> my_data.items()
+dict_items([('key', 'value'), ('name', 'wouter'), ('age', 35)])
+>>> for key, value in my_data.items():
+... print("key is {}".format(key))
+... print("value is {}".format(value))
+key is key
+value is value
+key is name
+value is wouter
+key is age
+value is 35
+We can reference specific **values** corresponding to specific **keys** as follows.
+>>> my_data["name"]
+>>> my_data["age"]
+We can use dictionaries as data containers and put them in a list to group together similar data elements.
+The code below should explain it quite nicely.
+login_ovh = {"username": "EarnestCrocodile", "password": ":sdGV&[FDYZZ|RXUpZeo`J&t@*Z>^fEW"}
+login_mailbox = {"username": "AbstractedDragon", "password": "32hz5&C@
+ Spoiler warning
+import argparse
+import pathlib
+def read_taskfile(taskfile_path):
+ tasks = []
+ if not pathlib.Path(taskfile_path).exists():
+ return tasks
+ with open(taskfile_path, "r") as fp:
+ lines = fp.readlines()
+ for line in lines:
+ task = line.strip()
+ tasks.append(task)
+ return tasks
+def write_taskfile(taskfile_path, tasks):
+ with open(taskfile_path, "w") as fp:
+ for task in tasks:
+ fp.write("{}\n".format(task))
+def show_tasks(tasks):
+ counter = 0
+ for task in tasks:
+ print("ID: {} --- {}".format(counter, task))
+ counter += 1
+def add_task(tasks, task):
+ tasks.append(task)
+ return tasks
+def delete_task(tasks, task_id):
+ tasks.pop(task_id)
+ return tasks
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--file", "-f", default="./todo.tasks", help="path to your todo file")
+ subparser = parser.add_subparsers()
+ add = subparser.add_parser("add", help="adds a todo item to you todo list")
+ add.add_argument("task", nargs="*")
+ delete = subparser.add_parser("delete", help="deletes an item from your todo list")
+ delete.add_argument("idx", type=int, nargs="*")
+ show = subparser.add_parser("show", help="show all your tasks")
+ show.add_argument("show", action="store_true")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ taskfile = args.file
+ tasks = read_taskfile(taskfile)
+ if "task" in args:
+ tasks = add_task(tasks, " ".join(args.task))
+ write_taskfile(taskfile, tasks)
+ elif "idx" in args:
+ for idx in args.idx:
+ tasks = delete_task(tasks, idx)
+ write_taskfile(taskfile, tasks)
+ elif args.show:
+ show_tasks(tasks)
+# Text based databases
+The todo list example from before is handy but quite *limited* as a database.
+As is it only holds one form or information and that is the *actual task*.
+What if we want to add urgency or mark tasks complete (instead of deleting)?
+This can be done by grouping data together.
+We already saw a dictionaries which are good mapping structures but how can we save them to disk?
+A hacky way would be to write a python file containing the `dict` and `import` it when we need it.
+But there are better ways.
+# Now for some useful scripting
+With everything we have learned up until now you can start doing some interesting and useful things.
+Have a look at [these exercises](https://gitea.86thumbs.net/waldek/linux_course_doc/src/branch/master/modules/qualifying/exercise_python.md).
+You can try them out at your own pace.
+I can give some hints or pointers if needed, either in class or individually.
+Don't hesitate to ask for help!
+# Creating our own objects
+## First some *abstract* examples
TODO simple animal or vehicle exercise
-TODO task manager
## Class inheritance
TODO shapes and surfaces
-TODO superhero game
-## Improve the login generator
+## Now some *practical* improvements
+### Improve the login generator
TODO convert the login generator to a class
+### Improve the task manager
+TODO convert the task manager to a class
# Infinite programs
* insist on the nature of scripts we did up until now
## Logic breakdown of a simple game
-TODO hangman exercise
+* welcome to hangman! *
+guess the hidden word below
+word: *****
+guess a letter: a
+word: a****
+guess a letter: l
+word: a**l*
+guess a letter: p
+word: appl*
+guess a letter: e
+word: apple
+* you found it! *
+do you want to play a new game? (Y/N)
## Trivial pursuit multiple choice game