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Python course
This repository contains some notes and exercises for learning python3.
Initiation to programming
- Day 1
- What we'll learn
- Concepts
- Syntax
- Tools
Writing code
Running code
- The python3 shell
- Installing pycharm
- Your first project
- How to execute
- Simple printing
- 🏃 Try it
- 🏃 Try it
- String replacement
- String formatting
- Some links to read up
- Taking input
- Some functions are blocking
- Functions can return something
- 🏃 Try it
- Functions can take arguments
- 🏃 Try it
- Taking input and evaluation
- Conditional logic
- Class string methods
- Some links to read up on
- Coding challenge - Celsius to Fahrenheit converter
- Day 2
- A text based adventure game
- Creating your own functions
- Functions that do something
- Variable scope
- Functions that return something
- 🏃 Try it
- Some links to read up on
- Coding challenge - Pretty Print
- Using the standard library
- Coding challenge - Memento Mori calculator
- Day 3
- Writing your first library
- 🏃 Try it
- How do we write libraries?
- What is
__name__ == "__main__"
? - Anatomy of a program
- 🏃 Try it
- While loop
- 🏃 Try it
- Coding challenge - Guess the number
- 🏃 Try it
- Day 4
- Lists
- Creating lists
- List methods
- 🏃 Try it
- Picking elements and slicing lists
- 🏃 Try it
- For loop
- Coding challenge - Cheerleader chant
- Coding challenge - ROT13
- 🏃 Try it
- List comprehension
- Day 5
- Handling files
- Reading from a file
In-line way
Pythonic way
- Writing to a file
- Coding challenge - Login generator
- Dictionaries as data containers
- Coding challenge - Task manager
- Text based databases
- Day 6
- Now for some useful scripting
- Day 7
- Creating our own objects
- First some abstract examples
- 🏃 Try it
- Class inheritance
- 🏃 Try it
- A practical example
- Now some practical improvements
Improve the login generator
Improve the task manager
- Day 8
- Infinite programs
- Logic breakdown of a simple game
- Trivial pursuit multiple choice game
Introduction to the `requests` library
- Threading
- Day 9
- GUI programming
- Tkinter helloworld
- Tkinter guess the number
- MVC design pattern
- Day 10-12
- Coding challenge - Login generator with GUI
- Coding challenge - Trivial pursuit with GUI
Linux system administrator