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# Users
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
Linux is a [multi user]( operating system.
For an end user's perspective this means we can have multiple accounts on one machine.
For example, one for each member of your household or company.
User can log in, out or switch accounts when seated at the computer or do multiple simultaneous logins via `ssh` or remote desktop software.
From a more internal point of view, Linux uses different accounts to do perfrom different tasks on the system.
These accounts are often called [system accounts](
We can list all know accounts with the following command.
waldek@debian:~$ cat /etc/passwd | cut -d ":" -f 1
Accounts are nothing more than a correctly defined line in a text file!
We can add and remove accounts as we please but luckily there are some tools to help us.
## Adding and removing users
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
In the gnome activities window we can search for *add user* and when we launch the program we'll see the dialog below.
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_01.png)
As adding a user is quite *invasive* to the system we need to prove we have the administration rights to do so.
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_02.png)
Now we can add a user.
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_03.png)
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_04.png)
Now we can verify the account's existence by logging in.
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_05.png)
Or via the command line.
waldek@metal:~$ su david
david@metal:/home/local/waldek$ tail -3 /etc/passwd
nvpd:x:125:137:NVIDIA Persistence Daemon,,,:/var/run/nvpd/:/usr/sbin/nologin
_flatpak:x:126:138:Flatpak system-wide installation helper,,,:/nonexistent:/usr/sbin/nologin
We can also **remove** a user via the graphical interface.
![GNOME add user](../assets/add_user_05.png)
### command line
This why you're here no?
To learn how to manager a Linux system like a pro.
So let's look into how to add and remove users via the command line.
As it's an *administrative* task we'll need to prove we have to right to do so.
This implies the use of `sudo`.
waldek@debian:~$ sudo add
addgroup addpart add-shell adduser
waldek@debian:~$ apropos adduser
adduser.conf (5) - configuration file for adduser(8) and addgroup(8) .
adduser (8) - add a user or group to the system
waldek@debian:~$ sudo adduser
[sudo] password for waldek:
adduser: Only one or two names allowed.
The `adduser` program takes one or two arguments.
The behaviour changes quite dramatically depending on the number of arguments.
When you give *one* argument, the program will add a user to the system.
When using *two* arguments the program will add a user to a group.
waldek@debian:~$ sudo adduser ilies
Adding user `ilies' ...
Adding new group `ilies' (1001) ...
Adding new user `ilies' (1001) with group `ilies' ...
Creating home directory `/home/ilies' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for ilies
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []:
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n]
waldek@debian:~$ tail -1 /etc/passwd
waldek@debian:~$ su ilies
If we want to add `ilies` to the group of administrators we can use the same program but with **two** arguments, first the user, then the group in question.
ilies@debian:~$ sudo apt update
[sudo] password for ilies:
ilies is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported.
ilies@debian:~$ exit
waldek@debian:~$ sudo adduser ilies sudo
Adding user `ilies' to group `sudo' ...
Adding user ilies to group sudo
waldek@debian:~$ su ilies
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ sudo apt update
[sudo] password for ilies:
Get:1 bullseye-security InRelease [44.1 kB]
Hit:2 bullseye InRelease
Get:3 bullseye-updates InRelease [39.4 kB]
Get:4 bullseye-security/main Sources [120 kB]
Get:5 bullseye-security/main amd64 Packages [146 kB]
Fetched 350 kB in 0s (902 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
1 package can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see it.
`ilies` is now a user account with full administrator rights!
An important detail you should know is that a user's groups are only loaded upon login.
This has as a side effect that when you add a user to a group, they need to log out and back in order for the changes to take effect.
There are [tricks]( to bypass the behaviour though but I must say I always log out and back in myself.
Removing a user is done with the `deluser` program.
waldek@debian:~$ sudo deluser ilies
Removing user `ilies' ...
Warning: group `ilies' has no more members.
waldek@debian:~$ tail -1 /etc/passwd
systemd-coredump:x:999:999:systemd Core Dumper:/:/usr/sbin/nologin
waldek@debian:~$ grep ilies /etc/passwd
waldek@debian:~$ su ilies
su: user ilies does not exist or the user entry does not contain all the required fields
It's worth pointing out that both `adduser` and `deluser` are scripts.
We can verify this as follows.
waldek@debian:~$ file $(sudo which adduser)
/usr/sbin/adduser: Perl script text executable
waldek@debian:~$ file $(sudo which deluser)
/usr/sbin/deluser: Perl script text executable
waldek@debian:~$ head $(sudo which deluser)
# deluser -- a utility to remove users from the system
# delgroup -- a utilty to remove groups from the system
my $version = "3.118";
# Copyright (C) 2000 Roland Bauerschmidt <>
# Based on 'adduser' as pattern by
# Guy Maor <>
# Ted Hajek <>
The *real* heavy lifting is done by two *other* programs called `useradd` and `userdel`.
When writing your own scripts to add and remove users you should use these programs an not the `perl` scripts!
waldek@debian:~$ file $(sudo which useradd)
/usr/sbin/useradd: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=cddbc9a8bae8b6f626a47a2b5ed1ea76081eae6d, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
waldek@debian:~$ file $(sudo which userdel)
/usr/sbin/userdel: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=cdf46de13b11b883951743d5652347a141bafba7, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, stripped
## Switching user
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
There are **two** different ways of *switching* user accounts or performing tasks *as* someone else: `su` and `sudo`.
`su` means **switch user**, while `sudo` means **switch user and do**.
`sudo` is a bit more modern but both have their [utility](
So, some examples.
waldek@debian:~$ whoami
waldek@debian:~$ sudo whoami
waldek@debian:~$ sudo -u steve whoami
waldek@debian:~$ sudo -u ilies bash
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ whoami
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ cd
ilies@debian:~$ pwd
Above we can see that `sudo` is used to perform a task *as* an other user.
We can use this to launch single commands but also to launch a `bash` shell.
A more *classic* way to switch identity is to use `su`.
Below you can see the difference between a simple `su` call and with the `-` argument.
The difference is subtle but quite important.
Have a read of the `man su` for more information.
waldek@debian:~$ su ilies
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ whoami
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ pwd
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ exit
waldek@debian:~$ su - ilies
ilies@debian:~$ pwd
ilies@debian:~$ whoami
For the lazy...
-, -l, --login
Start the shell as a login shell with an environment similar to a real
o clears all the environment variables except TERM and variables
specified by --whitelist-environment
o initializes the environment variables HOME, SHELL, USER, LOG
o changes to the target user's home directory
o sets argv[0] of the shell to '-' in order to make the shell a
login shell
## Groups
Groups are a second fundamental concept of any Linux distribution.
Every user has a **primary** group, most of the time the same name as their user account, and none/one/more **secondary** groups.
These groups can be made by us or by the distribution.
For example, `sudo` is the group that all administrators need to be a member of.
A few examples above I added `ilies` to the `sudo` group.
Once this was done, and `ilies` logged back in, he could perform administrative tasks.
`adduser` is used with **two** arguments to add a `user` to a `group`.
To create or delete groups we use `addgroup` and `delgroup`.
An example:
waldek@debian:~$ groups
waldek cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev
waldek@debian:~$ su - ilies
ilies@debian:~$ groups
ilies@debian:~$ exit
waldek@debian:~$ sudo addgroup friends
[sudo] password for waldek:
Adding group `friends' (GID 1003) ...
waldek@debian:~$ sudo adduser ilies friends
Adding user `ilies' to group `friends' ...
Adding user ilies to group friends
waldek@debian:~$ su - ilies
ilies@debian:~$ groups
ilies friends
Just like a user account is *just* a line in a text file, the group definitions are the same.
waldek@debian:~$ tail -5 /etc/group
waldek@debian:~$ sudo adduser steve friends
Adding user `steve' to group `friends' ...
Adding user steve to group friends
waldek@debian:~$ tail -5 /etc/group
And we can delete the group as follows.
waldek@debian:~$ sudo delgroup friends
Removing group `friends' ...
waldek@debian:~$ tail -5 /etc/group
waldek@debian:~$ su - ilies
ilies@debian:~$ groups
# Permissions
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
Unix like systems differ greatly from a Windows system because they are not just *multi tasking* but also *multi user*.
Users and groups imply [permissions](, meaning **who** is allowed to do **what** on a system.
Permissions are tied to a **file system**, either real or virtual, but can't exist outside of this context.
When we list the files in a directory, we can add the `-l` flag to see more information.
In the example below I create a file called `helloworld` and show it's details with `ls -l`.
waldek@debian:~$ touch helloworld
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 10:32 helloworld
Next up I create a directory to store my pictures in.
waldek@debian:~$ mkdir photos
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 10:32 helloworld
drwxr-xr-x 2 waldek waldek 4096 May 16 10:33 photos
The file and directory above points us to suite a bit of information.
Let's break it down.
The table below slices each individual element apart.
The first column indicates the *type* of file.
This can be a directory, link, block device, character device, among others.
Have a look [here]( for an elaborate explanation of all possible types in Linux.
| type | owner | group | others | nr links | owner | group | size | mod date | name |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| - | rw- | r-- | r-- | 1 | waldek | waldek | 0 | May 16 10:32 | helloworld |
| d | rwx | r-x | r-x | 2 | waldek | waldek | 4096 | May 16 10:33 | photos |
## Octal number system
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
The octal number system is the most used one to represent permissions in Linux.
At first it might me a bit confusing but it's not *that* complicated.
You just have to **know** that:
* **read** is worth **4**
* **write** is worth **2**
* **execute** is worth **1**
The **sum** of these permissions is the octal representation.
Below is a little grid to help you understand.
| sum | 4 | 2 | 1 |
| --- | --- | --- | ---|
| 0 | - | - | - |
| 1 | - | - | x |
| 2 | - | w | - |
| 3 | - | w | x |
| 4 | r | - | - |
| 5 | r | - | x |
| 6 | r | w | - |
| 7 | r | w | x |
Each file in Linux has **three** different permissions.
1. for the **owner** of the file
1. for the **group** of the file
1. and for **everyone** who is not the *owner* nor in the *group*
In the example below I use `chmod` to change the *mode* or permissions of a file.
I *highly* encourage you to read the `man chmod`.
waldek@debian:~$ chmod 777 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l permission_test
-rwxrwxrwx 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 10:54 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ chmod 000 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l permission_test
---------- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 13 16:45 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ chmod 123 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l permission_test
---x-w--wx 1 waldek waldek 0 May 13 16:45 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ chmod 640 permission_test
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l permission_test
-rw-r----- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 10:54 permission_test
When searching or files we discovered that we don't have the permission to read certain files, and now we know *why* that is!
A small specific example.
waldek@debian:~$ file /etc/shadow
/etc/shadow: regular file, no read permission
waldek@debian:~$ cat /etc/shadow
cat: /etc/shadow: Permission denied
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l /etc/shadow
-rw-r----- 1 root shadow 1001 May 13 13:49 /etc/shadow
waldek@debian:~$ whatis shadow
shadow (5) - shadowed password file
As administrator we do have the right to read this file.
So we can add `sudo` before the command to peek into the file.
waldek@debian:~$ sudo tail -2 /etc/shadow
What on earth are this lines?
Well, those are the passwords of your user accounts which are stored in the [shadow]( file format.
Historically they where [plain text]( but now they are [hashed](
Don't forget you can read up about them in your terminal with `man shadow`, `man passwd`.
waldek@debian:~$ whatis passwd
passwd (5) - the password file
passwd (1) - change user password
passwd (1ssl) - compute password hashes
waldek@debian:~$ man 5 passwd
Now is a good time to point out the manual **sections**.
The manual for the passwd file and program are not the same.
We can read the file manual with `man 5 passwd` and the program manual with `man 1 passwd`.
More information of the sections can be found via `man man` where the table below comes from.
| section | description |
| --- | --- |
|1 | Executable programs or shell commands |
|2 | System calls (functions provided by the kernel) |
|3 | Library calls (functions within program libraries) |
|4 | Special files (usually found in /dev) |
|5 | File formats and conventions, e.g. /etc/passwd |
|6 | Games |
|7 | Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conventions), e.g. man(7), groff(7) |
|8 | System administration commands (usually only for root) |
|9 | Kernel routines [Non standard] |
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
## Changing ownership
Each file or folder in Linux has one **owner** and one **group**.
When you create a new file or folder, the owner will be you and the group will be your [primary group](
*Most* of the time this will default to your username for both user and group.
We can however change the owner and the group of a file of folder.
This is done with `chown`, ch(ange)own(ership).
Let's try this out.
waldek@debian:~$ touch waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 14:37 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ tail -1 /etc/passwd
waldek@debian:~$ chown ilies:ilies waldek_file
chown: changing ownership of 'waldek_file': Operation not permitted
waldek@debian:~$ su - ilies
ilies@debian:~$ cd /home/waldek/
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ ls
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ chown ilies:ilies waldek_file
chown: changing ownership of 'waldek_file': Operation not permitted
ilies@debian:/home/waldek$ exit
No matter *who* we are we can't change the ownership of this file!
We can however perform this action **as administrator**.
[Why]( is this so?
It would be a pretty big security issue if *I* could just claim files owned by `ilies` or vice versa.
So, with `sudo` we can do it as follows.
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 waldek waldek 0 May 16 14:37 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ sudo chown ilies:ilies waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 ilies ilies 0 May 16 14:37 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ echo "hello world" > waldek_file
-bash: waldek_file: Permission denied
waldek@debian:~$ sudo chown ilies:waldek waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 ilies waldek 0 May 16 14:37 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ echo "hello world" > waldek_file
-bash: waldek_file: Permission denied
waldek@debian:~$ sudo chmod 660 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ ls -l
total 0
-rw-rw---- 1 ilies waldek 0 May 16 14:37 waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ echo "hello world" > waldek_file
waldek@debian:~$ cat waldek_file
hello world
waldek@debian:~$ su steve
steve@debian:/home/waldek$ cat waldek_file
cat: waldek_file: Permission denied
## `umask`
2022-06-15 15:38:52 +02:00
When you create a **new** file of directory, there are created with default permissions according to the `umask`.
waldek@helloworld:~$ whatis umask
umask (2) - set file mode creation mask
waldek@helloworld:~$ umask
waldek@helloworld:~$ touch new_file && ls -l new_file
-rw-r--r-- 1 waldek waldek 0 Jun 15 15:02 new_file
waldek@helloworld:~$ mkdir new_folder && ls -la new_folder
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 waldek waldek 4096 Jun 15 15:03 .
drwxr-xr-x 59 waldek waldek 4096 Jun 15 15:03 ..
The `new_file` has a octal permission of `644` and the `new_folder` `755`.
I can change my `umask` as follows.
waldek@helloworld:~$ rm -r new_f*
waldek@helloworld:~$ umask 000
waldek@helloworld:~$ touch new_file && ls -l new_file
-rw-rw-rw- 1 waldek waldek 0 Jun 15 15:08 new_file
waldek@helloworld:~$ mkdir new_folder && ls -la new_folder
total 8
drwxrwxrwx 2 waldek waldek 4096 Jun 15 15:08 .
drwxr-xr-x 59 waldek waldek 4096 Jun 15 15:08 ..
The permissions changed!
The `new_file` now has a octal permission of `666` and the `new_folder` `777`.
Do you see a pattern here?
The `umask` value is subtracted from the [POSIX]( defined base permissions which are `666` for a file and `777` for a directory.
One more example to drive it home.
waldek@helloworld:~$ rm new_f*
rm: cannot remove 'new_folder': Is a directory
waldek@helloworld:~$ rm -r new_f*
waldek@helloworld:~$ umask 777
waldek@helloworld:~$ touch new_file && ls -l new_file
---------- 1 waldek waldek 0 Jun 15 15:11 new_file
waldek@helloworld:~$ mkdir new_folder && ls -la new_folder
ls: cannot open directory 'new_folder': Permission denied
Can you explain me why we get a `Permission denied` message?
Some of you might have noticed the `umask` returns **4** digits.
This is because there is an additional permission bit we have not covered yet.
If you want to dig into it I suggest [this]( page on the Debian wiki where I got the following quote from.
> The first of the 4 octal digits which represent permissions contains the setuid and setgid bits. These can be used to override some of the defaults described above but it is not worth getting into details other than to note that the user private groups project collaboration idiom (see below) depends on the behavior of the setgid bit.
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
2022-07-07 09:14:29 +02:00
## Advanced permissions
| type | value |
| ---- | ----- |
| sticky bit | 1 |
| setgid | 2 |
| setuid | 4 |
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
## Essential programs
Below is a small list of often used programs when dealing with file permissions.
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
I highly recommend you to read the manuals of each one.
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
| name | description |
| --- | --- |
| `id` | print real and effective user and group IDs |
| `chmod` | change file mode bits |
| `chown` | change ownership of a file |
| `umask` | set file mode creation mask |
| `chgrp` | change group ownership |
| `passwd` | change user password |
| `su` | run a command with substitute user and group ID |
| `sudo` | execute a command as another user |
# Remote control of a server
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
## History
2022-05-16 13:12:06 +02:00
[Here]( you have a nice article on the history of remote shells.
The two main ones are:
* [rsh](
* [telnet](
But today we **don't** use those anymore!
We use [ssh]( now!
## SSH and SFTP
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
# Bandit
2022-05-16 14:51:16 +02:00
You now have enough comprehension of Linux to play a [wargame](
Over at [over the wire]( there are quite a few very good wargames to solidify your knowledge of the command line, the Linux kernel, web exploits, among others.
We'll start off with [bandit](
> The Bandit wargame is aimed at absolute beginners. It will teach the basics needed to be able to play other wargames. If you notice something essential is missing or have ideas for new levels, please let us know!
It's a game you play over `ssh` which drops you in a `bash` shell where the goal is to find the password for the next level.
Once you find the password you can log out and back in as the next user.
The entire game revolves around permissions.
This is the cycle:
1. log **in** as user `banditX` to the server
1. **find** the hidden password for the user `banditX+1`
1. log **out** of the server
1. **save** the password locally in a text file
1. log **in** as user `banditX+1` to the server
1. rinse, repeat and *enjoy*